...a story about migrating to Italy

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Under the weather, On top of the language.

I just noticed something, whilst I was sitting in the kitchen, sitting on the two-seater sofa with my feet up on a chair, a wooly scarf, (black,)doubled around my neck, trackies (black,)and my favourite black robe with the hoodie, (in Italian: 'cappuccio' one of the first words Giuseppe taught me).
Giuseppe's nonna Rita was washing the dishes and asked me how I was feeling. Was she speaking dialect and I actually understood? I was told she only knows how to speak in dialect... Anyway, we then launched into a conversation [kon-ver-sey-shuhn,] about the weather, the seasons and the obvious comparisons between Melbourne and Verona.
And I noticed something... in my speech. I heard it. It was an accent. A tone. A characteristic. For the first time, I sounded like a native. I'm not sure exactly why. Perhaps it was the elongated and that escaped my mouth (which is the 'e' sound like in 'egg', but make it sound for at least a minute...)Was it my relaxed approach to conversing with an elder, a woman who has never crossed Italy's borders, learnt one word of English or even learnt Italian but rather, speaks the rich, characterised native tongue of Veneto and to a finer point, the slightly adapted version of the town of Bovolone.
Piano piano, slowly slowly, I will get there. Patience and courage.

I just called out to Giuseppe to ask his Nonna if she had actually ever visited another country, to make sure that my above statement was correct.
She replied, "Sardegna," and I smiled from the other room. Sardegna, otherwise known as 'Sardinia,' is an island off the west coast of Italy. Like Tassie, perhaps?
Today, I am still feeling under the weather and it's beginning to really irritate me. If I was well today, I would be heading to Verona to distribute the next four CVs I have prepared, bi-lingual and meticulously in folders with colours.
The good news is - three people have taken numbers from my English tutor flyers. Not pretend takers, but people that Giuseppe's mum actually had conversations with. (I had taken a few numbers from each flyer prior to this. It's the trick, 'trucco'...)
Just waiting on their calls. Perhaps the snow has given everyone either the sniffles or simply the 'I'll do it tomorrow' air.
Also, I decided to undertake another Diploma because, I don't know, because I am a psycho who is addicted to studying? Oh well, I simply love it! I am going to do an online course, (online being most suitable for working around Valentino,) a TESOL Advanced Diploma in teaching English as a second language. It's 250 hours of study, that includes approximately 75 hours for a thesis. I've always really wanted to write a thesis.
This course is useful for here and everywhere to teach. It's not the basic course, but a course for teachers. It’s going to open up my work opportunities here and everywhere, ten-fold. It will also enhance my teaching role/s at Dallas Primary School, in Melbourne, my home of homes and my school of schools.
The door bell rang just this minute and some ESL workbooks in a parcel arrived for me. For my English private tuition students. If they ever call.
If not, it doesn’t matter. Now I can focus on advancing my craft... whilst I kick back and develop my own second language.

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